New Electrical Generators

The University has taken on another construction project, installing two brand-new 2.5 megawatt generators in C-Lot.

“The University is so interested for two reasons,” says Norman Young, Executive Director of Facilities, “One, it allows us to do our part in reserving energy for the state of Connecticut”. Connecticut Light and Power Company often has struggles involving its capacity; the new generators will take Uha off of the electrical grid in times of high demand, such as in the summer and during exceptional cold in the winter. They will reduce brown-outs and black-outs in the area: “That’s probably the reason they are here,” says Young

“These generators can also be used in times of electrical generators”. Over the past few years, power outages were not unusual, and these generators can provide emergency power in case such an emergency arises.

The generator will provide emergency power to:

-Complexes A-F
-Hawk Hall
-University Commons
-Sports Center
-Lincoln Theater
-All buildings on the academic side of campus (except for Bates House)