Was it Intentional?

Track and Field competition gone wrong

A concussion and possible skull fracture sustained by a high school sprinter is just the tip of the iceberg for a Virginia student, who is now facing a battery and assault charge after a high school track race gone wrong.

Alalia Everett was charged with the following: ” Video circulating online shows high schoolers Alaila Everett and Kaelen Tucker running in a 4×200-meter relay at a state finals race March 4, neck and neck as they round a corner. As they are coming out of the curve, Tucker is hit by Everett’s baton and stumbles off the field in apparent pain” (NBC).

Photo Credit: NBC News
Photo Credit: ABC News

The video shows, Everett slowing down and cocking her arm back rather than “blocking her [Tucker’s] entry” (NYPOST).

According to Everett, this was nothing more than an accident, “Eventually after a couple times of hitting her, my baton got stuck behind her back like this, and it rolled up her back…I lost my balance. When I pumped my arms again she got hit” (NBC). Everett stated she would never try to intentionally hurt someone else.

The incident that took place at the Virginia High School League Championship at Liberty University, has garnered the interest of many, with the assumption being that this was no accident.

“I got hit in the head and I just fell off the track…I still can’t believe it. I’m still in shock, like everyone’s texting me checking up on me, and I appreciate that, but like I’m still trying to take it all in, and I can’t believe it happened” (People), Tucker told WSET.

“Tucker’s parents said Everett never checked on their daughter or asked whether she was OK, even after the race concluded” (NBC).

Everett said, that she looked to check on Tucker but, “Tucker was surrounded by people at that point” (NBC).

A rally was held outside of I.C. Norcom High School, led by Everett to denounce her innocence in the matter, with several individuals attending in support of the high school track star.

Photo Credit: WVEC

“Thank y’all for supporting me,…There’s no one else that wanted to hear my story, except the people that know me and people that know I would never do anything like that, I would never harm anybody. I’m not a fighter, I’m not even confrontational, I wouldn’t even do that on purpose, and I thank y’all for believing in me. I love y’all” (Fox News).

As of right now, though, Everret has been hit with legal charges, disciplinary actions has yet to be revealed on behalf of the Virginia High School League, “The actions taken by the meet director to disqualify the runner were appropriate and correct,..we thoroughly review every instance like this that involves player safety with the participating schools” (NBC). The VHSL is looking to complete the investigation thoroughly, especially since all eyes are now on it now.