Some Freshmen Forced to Detriple

Several freshmen, including Geoffrey Lutz, were notified in October through e-mail about choosing one of their other two roommates to move to another room–a mandatory detriple.

Geoffrey said, “we got mandatory detriple saying the sprinkler system was too close to the bed.”

The e-mail from Res. Life was sent to 18 freshmen. That’s six rooms the Fire Marshall declared violated the fire code.

Director of Residential Life, Irwin Nussbaum, said, “Fire code says that if a sprinkler head is over a mattress within 18 inches of the mattress you either have to move the bed or sprinkler head or reduce the distance between the sprinkler head and the mattress.”

With that, Res. Life gave Geoffrey and his two roommates the option of chooing who will go. But if they don’t choose soon enough, Res. Life will choose for them. The roommate who deposited his dorm payments last will get the boot.

Res. Life said they’ll be communicating better with construction workers who are working on the new freshmen complex, to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself.