No More comes to Hartford

The No More campaign has come to the University of Hartford campus starting this semester. Created by _Law & Order_ actress Mariska Hargitay, the campaign looks to counter sexual assault and domestic abuse in house holds and campuses across the country.

The campaign has sparked national attention this year with its PSAs featuring many note worthy celebrities such as Amy Poehler, Courtney Cox and Ice-T.

No More has been in effect since 2009, attempting to bring light to domestic abuse and sexual assault.

Many campus organizations, such as Greek Life, Residential Life, and other clubs, have taken up No More’s banner to prevent this prevalent issue within campus life. This recent stir has also caused many faculty and staff to stand up for victims and against the issue.

The initiative stemmed from Hargitay’s frustration about the visibility of domestic abuse and sexual assault. The No More campaign acknowledges that there has been much improvement exposing these issues, but there are still millions of men and women who are in silence about their suffering.

The University began their No More campaign on October 23, with multiple activities going on in the Suisman Lounge, including selfies and handwritten cards, stating why individuals say ‘no more’ to domestic violence and sexual assault.

The No More campaign has been led by the Connections office, headed by Kenna Grant. Grant has expressed much gratitude about having the No More campaign, stating, “We are excited to continue it throughout the year.”