Art School Extension

One of the founding colleges at the University of Hartford is the art school. It has grown in popularity since its establishment in 1877. Now a new addition to this founding school may be on the way. STN found out more details on these changes.
Plans for an extension to the current Hartford art school building are underway.
With an estimated cost of up to five million dollars, the new extension will provide more space for photography and media arts courses as well as additional faculty offices.
“I’m a sculpture major and we have a lot of departments. But other majors, like the photography majors, the print majors, they don’t really have studios of their own for their majors so this will be a big benefit for them and they’ll have a lot more room to expand and to do some really good work.”
Another reason for the extension the growing number of art students. Without an extension, there would be a possibility of reducing enrollment.
According to the dean of the art school, half the price has been raised so far, through fundraising and generous donations. Art student Liz Czajka looks forward to the extension’s new features.
“A lot of the outer phasad is going to look very similar to the Iset building that we have. We’re going to be having a projection kind of screen that’s going to be playing different artwork so that’ll be really interesting to see its going to be really nice.”
The dean of the Hartford art school says the new addition will not affect students’ tuitions. With enough funding, the new arts and technology extension should be completed by February of next year.