Photo Courtesy Zimbio
If you’re one of those people that needs their morning coffee but just doesn’t have the time to make it or drive to the nearest Starbucks, there’s good news. Starbucks has just released their newest product: via on tuesday. Via is instant microground coffee that only requires water. STN ran its own test to see how the new readybrew stands up to the coffee found at Gengras’ Einstien Bagel.
Alexandria Hubbard, senior and news editor for the Informer, loves her coffee. At 8am you can sometimes find her at Einstein Bagel looking to start her day off with a cup of joe, but when we gave her the opportunity, she thought twice about Gengras’ coffee.
“Yeah no i like this one more…it tastes fuller”, says Alex.
“It would make my life more easier, I wouldn’t have to make a whole pot of coffee. Just one, just one cup, one little packet…Its fast its portable you can bring it with you; just get hot water or cold water I guess!”
If you would like try Starbucks via yourself, Starbucks in Bloomfield is running its own taste test called “the via challenge” until October 5th. Via costs around $2 for 3 packets and can be found at any Starbucks location.