AES Lecture

John Krivit came to the Hartt school on Monday, February 1st to give an informative lecture on finding a career in audio to students currently studying audio here at the University of Hartford.

Krivit told aspiring audio engineers that finding a career in audio first starts with a love for audio itself, and that there are many people out there who don’t even major in it that love it.

With this love for audio of course finding a career in audio itself is the next step. Since Krivit has taught audio for 20 years he knows that most students can go anywhere in this field of work.

Whether it’s owning a studio, working for TV with ESPN, NBC, Fox or just with big corporations, There are a vast majority of ways to get a start to an audio career. John Krivit wants all those to know that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

For more information on the audio engineering society visit to find out more. And if you would like to contact John Krivit himself, email him at