Unified Sports Comes to Campus

Many of the members that are apart of Buddies Club have a disability but they won’t let that stop them. This semester Unified Sports is coming to The University of Hartford. The students will have the opportunity to play sports on their free time with other students.

The Buddies Club visited the Men’s Basketball Team a few weeks ago and had the chance to play with them and watch one of their practices. “The buddies loved the experience and playing basketball , i think they will love the idea of Unified Sports” President of Rachel Cabral explained.

Every semester a new sport will be introduced for the students to part take in. Swimming and Basketball are the two that will be focused on for Fall of 2016. Soccer , and Track & Field were just some of the options that are in the air for future semesters.

For more information on Unified Sports or if you want to join Buddies Club email