Wednesday’s Got Better for Women

W.A.I. W.A.I.

Students now have an opportunity to speak up and ask questions about anything involving finance, insurance, and budgeting thanks to Women’s Wednesdays.

Assistant to Director for Women’s Advancement Initiative, Shannon Mumley, said that some students on campus may be afraid to talk about such topics so she is hoping they take advantage of these events so they are career ready after they graduate.

This event takes place in the outside reading room behind Hillyer twice a semester from 12:15 PM-1:15 PM. Students are asked to bring a bagged lunch to these events. The bagged lunch environment provides the students will the comfort of being there and listening to the speakers who come in that day.

Information that students may not be thinking about yet, but should take in consideration will also be talked about. For example, life insurance and investments for retirement.

For more information you can email Shannon Mumley at and look out for next semester’s women’s wednesdays on the Women’s Advancement Initiative Facebook page.