Gengras Student Union is getting a new look

Renovations on the Gengras Student Union has started this week, students will notice the GSU patio being fenced off. This is part of the first of three phases of the renovations. Renovations are planned to be complete by late October this year.

S/L/A/M Collaboration was hired as the architect firm to help with the design and phases of the project. Last year they sent out a survey to students in order to see what the students of the university wanted to see improved or added. The feedback from the students heavily influenced the renovation plans for GSU.

Funding for the renovation comes from a 12 million dollar bond given to the University. The project is using $5 million for the project, so tuition was unaffected by the renovation.

Dining options such as Einstein’s and the GSU Cafe will remain open during the renovations.


The first phase of renovations, which has already begun, will focus on the GSU patio and entrance. Due to renovations the main entrance and patio will be closed until October.

The second phase will take place after commencement during the summer. This phase will be focusing on the interior of GSU such as the Suissman Lounge. The commuter lounge, game room and career service will be renovated.

The Final phase will be finalizing interior renovations, the Suissman lounge will be offline until the reopening in October.