New Safety App: LiveSafe

LiveSafe LiveSafe

LiveSafe is an app that allows the members of the University of Hartford community to report several things to Public Safety.
“You can report to us about students of concern, students with concerning behavior, or a facilities problem,” explained Assistant Chief Michael Kaselouskas.

The University signed a contract with LiveSafe 3 months ago and have been working on making it suited for the campus. They integrated a live map of the shuttle bus service so students can track the shuttle bus service on campus or request a ride from PS with SafeRide. The marketing for the app is that it is easy to use and even allows students to have a virtual escort with them they walk across campus.

When reporting on the app the user will be able to send a message, a photo, video or even a voicemail to Public Safety; and they have the ability to be anonymous or not and that it will help Public Safety ensure that the campus is more safe. Kaselouskas said, “We want to be able to keep our campus safe and if students need help or people of concern need help it’s our job to get them the help they need.”

Assistant Chief Kaselouskas stated that they currently plan to finalize and do a soft release the week of February 19th so that students can start downloading and getting accustom to the new app and will be able to start talking up more when they see something on campus.