New Hope for COVID Restrictions Loosening

While there have been no concrete changes, President Woodward's recent letter to the University gives students hope that new changes will be coming.

On Thursday morning, President Woodward released a letter to the university congratulating us on making it to the halfway point to Thanksgiving break and remaining on campus. In celebration of that achievement, UHart hosted a cupcake giveaway outside GSU and a tailgate outside Commons Thursday afternoon. Later that night, they had a fall harvest dinner inside Commons and s’mores between A and C complexes. In an interview Thursday morning, Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment Molly Polk said, “We just felt like, ‘Gosh, we’re halfway there, and so many people haven’t made it this far, so many campuses across the country. And I think we can just be really proud of ourselves, so we wanted to celebrate that.”

Molly Polk, part of the team drafting new COVID-19 regulations

There are more things coming as a reward for everyone on campus’ hard work so far this semester. Polk said, “We want to continue to incentivize and reward our campus community for doing what we all need to do to keep ourselves and each other safe.” The university plans on giving out branded merch such as chairs, blankets, hand sanitizers, and more to residential areas that have had great conduct throughout the semester.

In his letter, Woodward also mentions that the University of Hartford is currently working on changes that will ease the restrictions on the campus’ guest policy. “There have been a lot of discussion over the last couple of weeks. We want to be really deliberate and really thoughtful about any changes to the residential policies,” said Polk.


While there have been no concrete changes to the guest policy yet, the potential for change has students excited for the future. Until then, there are certain inside areas available where groups of students can meet. As mentioned in Woodward’s letter, you can go to!/home/dash to see what areas are available.