Maggie Spillane’s Ale House is set to close its doors following failed negotiations with the building’s landlord.
The negotiations were said to have gone on for “more than seven months” (News 12 The Bronx). The restaurant owner, Tony Spillane, said, “Unfortunately, we were trying our best to turn the corner, try to keep it open, but things just didn’t work out. Two groups just couldn’t agree on terms” (News 12 The Bronx).
The restaurant opened in April 2011 and instantly became famous to many Mount Vernon residents.

Known for its delicious food and drinks, ranging from its signature wings, tacos, and burgers to its special appetizers and beautiful rooftop garden, it was definitely a staple in the community.

Many customers were saddened by the news, and many commented, ” I could cry right now.” Another said, “It’s a loss for the community and the neighborhood. It’s been a mainstay. No matter where you live in Mount Vernon, this is where everyone comes to gather” (News 12 The Bronx).
The popular food place will officially close on November 30th, just a few days after Thanksgiving.