Recognition Day

March 1st is annual Recognition Day, when the University honors staff and faculty for their years of service. This day is more than a ceremony its an opportunity to look back at the Universities history. Is it hard to imagine that twenty years ago computers were newly installed and email was just catching on. We talked with a Professor who has been here forty years and watched the progress and development first hand. Ray Mcgivney began teaching mathematics here in 1970. He always knew he wanted to be a teacher, and has loved every moment of his career. Over the years he’s watched the library, residence halls and athletic center built. He’s most astounded at all of the new programs that the University now offers and how technology has played such a huge role in re-shaping education. He likes the relevance that it holds in kids lives. Playing and being creative with new technology has been a favorite part of his job as he’s always looking to bring something new in to his teaching. When asked what keeps him coming back he replied “it’s the freshness, i love seeing new faces each semester and working with the curriculum to make it more enjoyable to students”. Individuals who’ve worked here ranging from five to forty years are recognized March 1st in a ceremony in the 1877 club.