The Big E has joined a growing list of events that have been canceled as a result of COVID-19. The annual fair held in West Springfield, Massachusetts has been called off due to the threat the virus has

to everyone’s safety. on average, it pulls in 1.6 million visitors. The event was scheduled to start September 18th and run through October 4th. Officials came to this difficult discussion and released the news to the public yesterday June 19th via their website.
In an official statement, their spokesperson explained how difficult it was to make this decision, stating that “The Big E Fair is so much more than just a fair, it is tradition, it is celebration, it is the showcase of everything we are so proud of in New England. This is why our hearts are heavy as we bring you this news”.
The statement also explains that those who planned on attending the fair and bought tickets, along with tickets for the Zach Williams concert on September 20th, will be contacted directly and refunded in full.
This is not the first time the fair has been called off. In its 104-year history, the fair was also called off during both World War 1 and for 5 years during World War 2. Although the fair may not be happening this year, one will be able to look forward to the return of the Big-E Fair in fall of 2021.