Students looking for something to do during happy hour can try some deep discussion in the University’s Philosophy Club.
Dr. Bernard den Ouden says that he has known of a philosophy club for most of his University career. “Well, we’ve had a philosophy club off and on for my 40 years that I’ve been here, but it was somewhat erratic until Dr. Skelly took over – 6 or 7 years ago…maybe longer…and since then, it’s been very consistent and worked very, very well.”
In Philosophy club, a discussion topic is chosen – anything from media to illegal immigration – and anyone can stop in to talk about it. Dr. Brian Skelly is the club’s adviser, and serves as the discussion moderator. “Anybody can go to Philosophy Club. And that includes people from outside the university as well as inside – professors, anybody.”
Interested students are encouraged to just show up.
Dr. den Ouden says that students should just try a meeting. “See if it’s something you’d enjoy. I know Dr. Skelly always prepares a lunch, and people come and go.”
Dr. Skelly agrees. “If you felt like you were in the wrong place, you can just ease out of the room and no one’s gonna pressure you to stay. We’re not a cult.”
And if you’re still not sure, Philosophy Club gets rave reviews from students.
Junior Elliot Levine says that he enjoys the meetings. “I come to Philosophy Club because it’s intellectually stimulating. There’s all kinds of people who are welcome to listening to what you have to say and have a good sense of humor and aren’t always so matter-of-fact.”
“We’ve had provosts, professors from different departments come in and they’re talking with students and people from the community as peers. And I think that’s the kind of dialogue that a college needs to prosper,” says Dr. Skelly.
Students who would like to join Philosophy Club can either email Dr Skelly at or just show up to a meeting!
Philosophy Club meets at 12:15 every Thursday during the year on the fourth floor of Auerbach Hall.