Street Scene is a two act drama about the life of Manhattan residents in the 1940s. This English Opera mainly discusses romance and tragedy.
“We started rehearsing the sixth of January. Everyone’s winter break was shortened and we started rehearsing, blocking the scenes in HPAC and in about two weeks we moved to Millard and started practicing with the orchestra,” said Chase Gutierrez, a sophomore cast member.
Initially the opera was even a surprise to its cast members.
“I auditioned for the opera, we didn’t know what it was, in March and we found out our roles I think in the beginning of May or the end of April that it was going to be street scene and the cast list came out and my name was on it! So that’s how I got involved,” Zach Gutierrez, a sophomore cast member stated.
Street Scene is a show which everyone can enjoy, as it relates to people in any walk of life.
“Usually when people think of the word opera they become scared because they think that they’re not going to understand it.The show is all in English and it doesn’t really fit the mold of opera because it sounds more like a musical,” Chase said.
“It’s very versatile musically, there’s classical music of course and then there were influences of Puccini and other composers and then you have blues and r&b and then you have full blown out musicals and musical numbers,” Zach said.
Performances started on Thursday, Jan. 31 and will be taking place from Friday, Feb. 1 through Sunday, Feb. 2. Performances are in Millard Auditorium, but tickets are free with your student ID at the Lincoln Theatre box office.