Amy Coney Barrett, the woman who Trump hopes will replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, has gone through her trials of over twenty hours with the Senate Judiciary Court this past week to see if she will be voted in to the Supreme Court.
Barrett ran circles around many questions that were asked, causing many court Democrats on to get frustrated with her lack of answers, including Senator Patrick Leahy. Senator Leahy asked many questions about her morals and her view on many pressing topics that she would have say on if she was voted into the court, however, Barrett dodged his questions. When Senator Leahy asked if she believes that Trump’s actions could be deemed constitutional by pardoning himself, Barrett went on to say she was not sure and would have to have legislative hearings to determine the answer.
Many questions that were asked went this way. The biggest debate was about the Affordable Care Act. Many Democrats posed different questions on the A.C.A. to see if Barrett was in favor of it, because Ginsburg’s vote was the one that kept the A.C.A functioning. Senator Harris in particular asked many questions about the A.C.A. and was determined to get answers.

She brought up how, in the past, Trump said he was trying to lobby politicians and a new Supreme Justice nominee into getting rid of the A.C.A., asking Barrett if she knew about this. She claimed she didn’t, then went on to say she hoped the Senators believe she would not go into the court with promised views if she was to be nominated the new Supreme Court Justice.
Amy Coney Barrett’s views and stances seem much different than Ginsburg’s were, causing many to be nervous for this change in leadership. Barrett has made clear that she is very conservative and a practicing Christian, however, she claims her “religious views will not come to play in the matter of her court”.
It will be interesting to see if Amy Coney Barrett does get voted into the Supreme Court. For if she does, the court will consist of mainly conservative viewholders and spur significant changes.