Over the past month, the Hawksvote initiative has been hard at work holding voter registration drives on campus at the GSU and Commons. The initiative is led mostly by student ambassadors. Benie Kwarteng, one of Hawksvote’s student ambassadors, said that Hawksvote’s main goal is to “register students to vote, and help them with basic voter education: when is the time to vote and how to get mail-in ballots.” They have been working with students to create vote plans and they’ll also be providing transportation for students to polling places on election day, November 3rd.

“To me, I think voting is important every year,” Kwarteng said. “With voting, you can make those kind of changes that we want into reality by voting for the candidate that you want.”
Kwarteng claimed that student have showed a positive response to the initiative.”A lot of people have been showing support and everything through social media and this is one way that they can actually participate in making a change,” she said. “It came at a really good time for a lot of people my age or people in our generation who just don’t know what else to do.”
While many UHart students were already registered, Hawksvote was able to register around 100 new voters this year. “A lot of people, who are Generation Z, this is their first time voting in a big presidential election,” said Kwarteng.
Hawksvote also wants to remind you that it’s still not too late to register to vote, as Connecticut has same day registration at their polling places. If you have any questions regarding voting in the upcoming Presidential Election, you can reach out to Hawksvote on Instagram, @Hawksvote.