At the beginning of this week, a team of contractors have begun to install over 22,000 LED lights across campus. All non-LED lights will be replaced. The lights will be installed building by building to help minimize disruption as much as possible. The entire process is expected to take approximately 10 months. In addition to the environmental benefits associated with LED lights, it is expected to save the University roughly one million dollars each year.
As of right now, contractors are nearing completion of Abrahms Hall, Financial Administration & Services Building (FASB), and East Hall. Once they are complete, they will begin work at the HJG Center, followed by the Alfred C. Fuller Music Center. Facilities will reach out to each department in each building to discuss what time and hours would cause the least disruption.
Updates will be made available as the project continues. Anyone with specific questions or concerns is advised to contact Chris Dupuis at .